
Business Lessons From War
Business Lessons From War

The official casualties of the Vietnam war, now the second longest US war, were close to 60,000 l...

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Business And The Hawk
Business And The Hawk

Predatory animals or birds are often used as analogies in business practices. All these metaphors...

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To Whom It May Concern
To Whom It May Concern

On the 4th of July 2021, is our union more perfect? Are we truly united? Are we diverse enough? A...

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Three pillars of successful business leadership are directions, operations, and tracking.


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The most important conversations are the ones that we have with ourselves. These conversations ar...

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Children At Heart
Children At Heart

There is a child that lives inside all of us. As adults we are disconnected with our childhood be...

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Leaders Followers
Leaders Followers

All leaders are followers and all followers are leaders. We are all leading our lives; every sing...

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Time Is Money
Time Is Money

People often say time is money. In fact money is time. Let’s do it better than that. Money is a r...

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Strategy is the key factor that makes or breaks a business. Before you indulge in strategizing, o...

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'Not Much Changed:' Western New York Muslims on Trump's Revised Travel Ban
'Not Much Changed:' Weste...

WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y. -- The new travel ban isn't any better than the first one

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State Of The Tweeting Uni...

When do we get to work and stop yapping online? Are we setting up a...

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World Horror Show: Monsters of the Past Are No Longer Lurking in the Dark
World Horror Show: Monste...

Another Halloween was here. People dressed up in unusual cloaks to b...

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