Entrepreneurship: A love affair with yourself

Entrepreneurship is an adventure; it's like being on a roller coaster. It is like your first date; it is like falling in love for the first time. 

Entrepreneurship is an adventure; it's like being on a roller coaster. It is like your first date; it is like falling in love for the first time. It is exciting, risky, and, if done right, extremely satisfying and rewarding. Many people wonder how and when can one engage in entrepreneurship? Can everyone become an entrepreneur? The answer is a resounding, “yes”. It is a state of mind not DNA inclined.  

When you realize that you have skill sets or knowledge that can be monetized to meet the present or the future needs of others, no matter how basic those needs may be, you have become an entrepreneur. As an employee with an entrepreneurial state of mind, you are more valued by your employercompared to others, as you are self-motivated and supervise yourself. On the other hand, employees that need supervision, productivity incentives, and constant reminding to perform at a satisfactory level to justify their employability are not as desirable. My experience has taught me to always hire individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit. 

Entrepreneurship also teaches you to constantly invest in yourself to become more marketable and better at what you do. Once you train yourself in this state of mind, your creativity in daily life intensifies. Your energy level increases and so does the job satisfaction. You are no longer dependent on others for your evaluation. You, yourself are evaluating your work, your commitments and your objectives. 

 As we celebrate entrepreneurship in the month of November let’s make an effort to make it part of our lives for all twelve months. Every day you are your own boss, every day you satisfy yourself with your work, every day you take a step towards yourself-actualization.