Bending out of shape for nothing, or for very little, has become a new norm. It seems the only way one can make a point about his or her position is by fierce exaggeration and associating images of extravagance with their own narrative. What is sacrificed in this process is reality and facts. Can a civilization survive for long by merely enhancing one’s opinion and complimenting it with loud-mouthing, noisy labels, and persistent lying? It is severing our relationship with the communities around us and the world. We don’t need to build brick walls, as the digital walls that we have erected are dividing us irreversibly anyway. The interesting experiment that was done by Professor Anders Colding-Jorgensen points out that when it comes to getting rallied up, we have become so lazy that we would rather be fed opinions that excite us on our bed, couches or while surfing the net at our favorite cafes. We don’t bother to take a few minutes extra to research and do fact-finding. Get a reality check. Let’s throw in the issues of minorities, immigrants, religious intolerance, and racial divide. Now in the digital silo we have a narrative cocktail of mutual disaster. Let’s get real folks or the reality we are shaping by being unreal will wipe us out.

In our own neck of the woods, the first Collective International Film Festival was held, along with identifying community leaders who have made the reality check and found the facts that the digital or brick walls are meaningless. If the narrative is inclusive and others’ reality can be embraced. Among the Peace Maker award winners were: Senator Tim Kennedy, Victoria Ross, MSW, Reverend Stan Bratton and Raul Vazquez, MD.

It is due to this reason that the decision of launching The Collective News, a monthly news magazine with a profound digital presence, was made. A platform which is inclusive, and for the benefit of the collective. A digital portfolio where diverse opinions are welcomed, and a community synthesis is sought.